Sunday, March 29, 2009

Off to the Emerald City.

Hi guys,

It's been a smidge quietier around here than I'd like, but I'll have to beg your indulgence. I'm currently on a much-needed vacation in Seattle, and the schedule of reviews/assorted pop culture ramblings will pick up again on or around April 7th.

This will be my second visit to one of the west coast's larger-yet-still-reasonably-sane comic conventions, the Emerald City Comic Con. The programming looks to be enjoyable and I remember having a blast last year wandering the convention floor and just geeking out in general. I'll be taking my notebook with me and will do my best to document as much of the convention that strikes me as I can. It might get a little stream of consciousness but we'll see how it goes.

Best to all you knuckleheads,


Steven Prete said...

I thought I detected a disturbance in the force ;-)

StacyHD said...

As of a solitary voice crying out in purest geeker joy, then just as suddenly silenced? ;p